Our mission is to provide quality education and health care to vulnerable rural populations in the Rift Valley, Kenya. We pursue this mission by working closely with communities to build, operate, and sustain health care facilities and schools in poor rural areas.
Kapsirchoi Clinic
The SAFINA Initiative completed building the Kapsirchoi Clinic in 2011, and has operated it ever since, offering comprehensive primary care services to a population of about 15,000 people. Kapsirchoi is staffed by a clinical officer (the equivalent of a physician’s assistant in the US), two nurses, and one nurse’s assistant.

Pastor Eliud Misoi Primary School
The SAFINA Initiative completed the Pastor Eliud Misoi Primary School in 2013, and offers education to lower primary students (pre-k to 3rd grade in the United States) and upper primary students (4th grade through 8th grade). We built this school because there was no school in the area, and generations of children were growing up without the possibility of education. After ten years of operation, Pastor Eliud Primary has educated thousands of local children, and presently serves more than three hundred students per year.

Loice Isendi Women's Health Center
The Loice Isendi Women’s Health Center is presently under construction and is projected to be completed by the end of 2023.
The facility’s major focus is caring for the region’s women and girls, and will provide a host of services, including reproductive health, pre-natal care and childbirth, the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, and other vital care.

Nandi County Community College
Land acquired. Projected completion date: 2024-25.
This project has been made possible by Kipchoge Hezekiah Keino, the two-time Olympic gold Metalist and former chairman of the Kenyan Olympic Committee. I n the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City, Keino won the 1500 meter event by 20 meters, the largest margin in the history of the event. We are grateful for Kipchoge’s generous gift of land for the Community College.